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Apr 20, 2021

Frequently criticised as box-ticking or virtue signalling by big business, diversity training has become a major talking point once again. Not least because of the resurgence of black lives matter last year, and the UK Government's recent - much criticised - report on race.

So does diveristy training make a difference? And what do organisations need to do to drive change?

On this week's episode of The Good Practice Podcast, Ross G and Owen are joined by D&I specialist Dana James-Edwards. We discuss:

  • effective approaches to diversity training
  • what organisations need to do to support diversity training
  • the role of safe spaces and social media in discussions on diversity training.

Show notes

You can find out more about Dana at The YouTube playlist she mentioned, 'The Someone Else's Shoes Series', is online at: 

For more from Emerald Works, including access to our back catalogue of podcasts, visit There, you'll also find details of our award winning performance support toolkit, our off-the-shelf e-learning, and our custom work.

In 'What I Learned This Week', Owen mentioned the app Fitbod: It doesn't come across well in an audio format, but Mr F is looking great - and more of the hosting team should have noticed.

Dana shared that last week was the beginning of the Sikh New Year.

Friend-of-the-show Sukh Pabial has blogged about it here: He also produced a publish: 

Ross recommended the book No-No Boy by John Okada, which he listened to on Audible: 

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