Jul 26, 2018
Everyone and their uncle is a learner, but does this mean that everyone knows about learning? Our guest this week, Mirjam Neelen, thinks not.
This week, she joins Ross G and Owen to talk about the evidence base that we should all be referring to when designing experiences.
If you'd like to share your thoughts on the...
Jul 23, 2018
After nearly 20 years of implementing learning technologies, we've successfully found more and more elaborate ways to dump content that no one needs. Is there a better way?
On this week's podcast, Fosway's David Perring joins Ross G and Owen to explore their research into how organisations are using digital...
Jul 17, 2018
Learning styles, right-brain vs. left-brain, brain training — for those working in learning and development, cognitive psychology can seem like a minefield.
On this week's episode of the GoodPractice podcast, Ross D and James are joined by Dr Rebecca Gordon to find out what L&D professionals really need to know about...
Jul 10, 2018
If you work in Learning and Development for a large organisation, there's a good chance that at some point you've spent years putting a programme together, only to find that by the time it launches the original stakeholders have left.
On this week's podcast, Ross D and Owen are joined by Steph Clarke to ask if this...
Jul 2, 2018
For over a decade, SCORM has been the industry standard for e-learning, helping learning and development professionals track the completion of courses and recording assessment scores. But now there's a new standard in town: xAPI, offering far larger data sets and the ability to connect multiple platforms.
On this week's...