Jun 27, 2023
Do you consider yourself an inspiration? Most of us don’t. But everybody has the capacity to inspire others to act and, in L&D, that’s basically part of the job!
In this episode of The Mind Tools L&D Podcast, Ross G and Owen are joined by author and adventurer Sue Stockdale, the first British woman to ski to the Magnetic North Pole. We discuss:
· Sue’s background and adventures
· How we as individuals can inspire and motivate others
· How to scale inspiration across an entire organization.
To find out more about Sue, visit: https://suestockdale.com/
In ‘What I Learned this Week’, Owen discussed the strange goings on at Reddit: nytimes.com/2023/06/16/style/whats-going-on-with-reddit.html
Ross discussed Dr Libby Sander’s article on the psychological impact of where we work: news.com.au/finance/work/at-work/disastrous-experiment-real-reason-behind-hated-return-to-work-push/news-story/6f377ea396388a531de6cedf89936fe5
And Sue discussed positive visualization, leading to an unexpected appearance from Ben Goldacre’s Golden Arse Beam: theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/jul/08/bad-science-effective-things-silly-places
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Connect with our speakers
If you'd like to share your thoughts on this episode, connect with our speakers:
· Ross Garner - @RossGarnerMT or on LinkedIn
· Owen Ferguson - @OwenFerguson or on LinkedIn
· Sue Stockdale - @SueStockdale or on LinkedIn