Sep 5, 2023
What do we mean by ‘evidence-based leadership development’? Development of evidence-based leaders? Or an evidence-based approach to leadership development? Well, both.
In this week’s episode of The Mind Tools L&D Podcast, Ross G and Nahdia are joined by Helen Bailey, Head of Learning and Development at Strategi Solutions, to discuss:
· what ‘evidence-based’ leadership development looks like
· what we mean by ‘evidence’
· how to measure leadership.
During the discussion, Helen referenced the Centre for Evidence Based Management.
For more on this topic, see: Beech, D.2018. Effective Leadership in Uncertain Times. Wisbech, UK: Cambridge Leadership Development.
Also Michelle Parry-Slater’s book, The Learning and Development Handbook, and Michelle Ockers’ interview with Laura Overton for the Learning Uncut podcast.
For more from Helen, check out
In ‘What I Learned This Week’, Helen referenced the CIPD Learning Work Survey Report 2023 and Evidence Based Practice Factsheet.
For an excellent intro to scaffolding in a digital learning context, see: Shapiro, A. M. (2008). Hypermedia design as learner scaffolding. Educational technology research and development, 56, 29-44.
This paper is behind a paywall, so you can also see this advice from Wiley.
Ross discussed realistic AI avatars from HeyGen.
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And finally, Ross promised some case studies of the kind of work that Mind Tools do. You can find these at:
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