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Aug 22, 2023

Earlier this year, the Mind Tools and Emotion at Work teams ran a fringe event at the CIPD Festival of Work. At the event, we asked participants for their ‘Hot Takes’: something that's a little bit provocative - but might actually be true.

This week, in a special crossover episode, The Mind Tools L&D Podcast team are joined by Phil and Lizzi from Emotion at Work to reveal the winner: Most employees aren't actually that interested in L&D.

We discuss:

  • the extent to which we think this ‘Hot Take’ is true
  • the importance of development to employees vs ‘learning and development’ as a function
  • what L&D teams can do to market and promote themselves.

During the discussion, Phil referenced the Kirkpatrick Model of evaluation.

Ross referenced the work of Shannon Tipton to help L&D teams develop a brand.

In ‘What I Learned This Week’, Nahdia referenced the Edelman Trust Barometer and British Social Attitude Survey.

Phil referenced Kids Week at the London Theatre.

For more from Emotion at Work, including their podcast where you can find their own crossover episode, visit:

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