Nov 10, 2020
Do you find learning science dry, academic and inaccessible? Then fear not: Learning Science Weekly is an email newsletter that provides short and practical advice... every seven days.
This week on The Good Practice Podcast, Learning Science Weekly author Dr. Julia Huprich (Vice President of Learning Science at Intellum) joins Gemma and Owen to share her insights into the role of science in learning.
We discuss:
Show notes
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The books that Julia recommended were:
Mirjam also spoke to Ross G and Owen about her book in episode 177:
Owen's evidence-informed 'people to follow' were friends-of-the-show Dr Will Thalheimer (@WillWorkLearn) and Clark Quinn (@Quinnovator).
He also recommended Bad Science by Ben Goldacre:
If you're interested in the calculation for 'blue Monday', see: Note that there are two different formulas, so you can pick one or suffer both.
In What I Learned This Week, Owen recommended 'Your job application was rejected by a human, not a computer', by Christine Assaf of HR Tact:
Gemma's 'word of the week' was 'empleomania': a mania for holding public office.
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