Feb 19, 2019
Think of an experience that triggered such an emotional reaction that your behaviour was permanently changed. Such experiences often happen by accident, but they can also be designed.
This week on the GoodPractice Podcast, Ross G is joined by Owen and PA Consulting's Kenny Temowo to discuss experience design in detail, and ask whether it can be scaled to reach larger audiences.
If you'd like to share your thoughts on the show, you can find us on Twitter @RossGarnerGP, @OwenFerguson and @K_Temowo.
To find out more about GoodPractice, visit goodpractice.com or tweet us @GoodPractice or @GoodPracticeAus.
Kenny blogs on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ktem1/detail/recent-activity/posts/
The 'crossing the line' experience to demonstrate privilege can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K5fbQ1-zps
Cathy Moore's Haji Kamal scenario is discussed on Cathy's blog: http://blog.cathy-moore.com/2010/05/elearning-example-branching-scenario/
The College of Extraordinary Experiences in Poland is online at: https://www.extraordinary.college/
Kenny's work-in-progress acrostic for 'experience design' is:
The paper Owen discussed was: Morehead, K., Dunlosky, J., & Rawson, K. A. (2019). How Much Mightier Is the Pen than the Keyboard for Note-Taking? A Replication and Extension of Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014). Educational Psychology Review, 1-28.
You can find out more about China's moon-based botany at: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/01/plants-flowers-international-space-station-moon-mars/581491/
NASA's surprisingly comprehensive list of U.S. material on the Moon is online at: https://history.nasa.gov/FINAL%20Catalogue%20of%20Manmade%20Material%20on%20the%20Moon.pdf