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May 15, 2018

Smart recommendation systems are commonplace across consumer sites like Amazon, Netflix and Facebook. But how do they compare with recommendations from a trusted human?

In this episode of the GoodPractice Podcast, Ross G and Owen are joined by Filtered's Marc Zao-Sanders to discuss some of the difficulties around machine recommendations and their place in learning.

If you want to share your thoughts on the show, you can tweet us @RossGarnerGP, @OwenFerguson and @MarcZaoSanders.

To find out more about GoodPractice, visit or tweet us @GoodPractice and @GoodPracticeAus.

The Tim Harford blog that Ross suggested (literally a list of recommendations) can be found at: 

If you're interested in 'hardening', check out: 

The Washington Post article Owen discussed is at:

And Ross' Guardian story about Sainsbury's can be found at: