Oct 31, 2017
John Stepper's Working Out Loud is a collaborative approach to building new skills and relationships through a series of weekly meetings and activities. Over the summer, the GoodPractice Podcast's Ross Garner took part in a Working Out Loud circle with Mike Collins, Ady Howes, Chris Coladonato, Hannah Wysome and Sam Burrough.
In this episode, most of that Working Out Loud circle have come together to reflect on the experience and share their thoughts on what makes a successful WOL circle.
If you'd like to share your thoughts on the show, you can find Ross on Twitter @RossGarnerGP, Mike is @Community_Mike, Chris is @ChrisCola, Ady is @AdyHowes and Sam is @Burrough.
You can also tweet @GoodPractice or @GoodpracticeAus.
For more from GoodPractice, visit goodpractice.com.
To find out more about Working Out Loud, visit http://workingoutloud.com/.