Feb 28, 2023
What are L&D practitioners excited about in 2023? Is it the rise of artificial intelligence? Or is it the Metaverse? What about skills-based talent management? Or learning analytics?
This week on The Mind Tools L&D Podcast, Ross D is joined by Donald Taylor to discuss the results of the Global Sentiment Survey 2023. We cover:
· what the GSS is (and what it isn’t)
· the headline takeaways from this year’s survey
· regional differences in the data
If you’re interested in reviewing the results of the Global Sentiment Survey, Don shared a breakdown, along with some initial reflections, on his website. donaldhtaylor.co.uk/insight/gss2023-results/
Ross D also shared some of his own reflections on this year’s results in the latest edition of The L&D Dispatch: lddispatch.com/p/local-sentiment-survey
In WILTW, Ross D discussed his success propagating a Monstera plant, by following the steps in this article: pottedpixie.com/how-to-propagate-a-monstera-in-water/
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Connect with our speakers
If you'd like to share your thoughts on this episode, connect with our speakers on Twitter:
· Ross Dickie - @RossDickieMT
· Donald Taylor - @DonaldHTaylor