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Aug 18, 2020

As it's become increasingly apparent that we'll be living with coronavirus for some time, organisations have started to think about what that means for workplace culture. Is it possible to hold on to what came before, or do we need to think differently about 'how we do things around here'?

To answer these questions, Ross G and Owen are joined by Bruce Daisley, former Twitter VP, author of 'The Joy of Work', host of the 'Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat' podcast and workplace culture enthusiast.

We discuss:

  • how organisations are adapting to coronavirus
  • the changing role of 'the office'
  • the impact that managers have on workplace culture, both online and offline.

Show notes

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For more from Bruce, including access to his podcast, books and newsletter, see:

The growth mindset paper that Owen discussed was:

Li, Y., & Bates, T. C. (2020). Testing the association of growth mindset and grades across a challenging transition: Is growth mindset associated with grades?. Intelligence81, 101471. Online at:

The podcast Ross discussed was This Week in Virology, episode 640, featuring Michael Mina:

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